
Our seri­es have emer­ged from col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons with our part­ners and cover various topics wit­hin poli­ti­cal science.

Own Series

DeFac­to’s new “Peop­le in Poli­ti­cal Sci­ence” seri­es begins in the run-up to and after the 2023 federal elec­tions. To this end, rese­ar­chers from the elec­to­ral rese­arch field and the par­ties are invi­ted to con­duct inde­pen­dent sci­en­ti­fic ana­ly­ses of selec­ted issu­es by means of short interviews.

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.

Content partnership

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.


Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.


Année Poli­tique Suis­se (APS) has been pro­vi­ding a pre­cise, fac­tu­al and con­cen­tra­ted account of deve­lo­p­ments in Swiss poli­tics and socie­ty sin­ce 1965. We fol­low a poli­ti­cal deal from its launch to a pos­si­ble popu­lar decisi­on and its imple­men­ta­ti­on, we report on important social con­tro­ver­sies, syn­the­sise prac­ti­ce-rele­vant stu­dies and reports, fol­low ground­brea­king court decisi­ons, deve­lo­p­ments in the par­ty land­s­cape and much more. A cen­tral con­cern of ours is to embed cur­rent events in the con­text of con­tem­pora­ry histo­ry, becau­se cur­rent events are often merely high­lights of pro­tra­c­ted, often repe­ti­ti­ve pro­ces­ses that can be traced with APS and pla­ced in a lar­ger con­text. Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.


Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.


Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.

Scientific journals


Swiss Poli­ti­cal Sci­ence Review aims to be a plu­ra­list plat­form for advan­cing aca­de­mic know­ledge and deba­te in the field of poli­ti­cal sci­ence, and in par­ti­cu­lar for deve­lo­ping intel­lec­tu­al exchan­ge across tra­di­tio­nal bounda­ries bet­ween its sub­fiel­ds and with its neigh­bou­ring disci­pli­nes. Accord­in­gly, it publis­hes ori­gi­nal and inno­va­ti­ve work that makes a theo­re­ti­cal or empi­ri­cal con­tri­bu­ti­on to the stu­dy of poli­ti­cal phe­no­me­na. SPSR encou­ra­ges con­tri­bu­ti­ons from dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and metho­do­lo­gi­cal approa­ches in order to fur­ther their mutu­al engagement.

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in Eng­lish. Link to the Spe­cial Issue here.

SPSR Special Issue Populismus

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in Eng­lish. Link to the Spe­cial Issue here.

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in Eng­lish. Link to the Spe­cial Issue here.



Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.

Former research projects

Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.


Seri­es not avail­ab­le in English.